Get in Touch
We’re quick to respond, and will get back to you as soon as we can; always less than 24 hours. To provide you with the most accurate response, please include the breed and age of your dog.
56 Swaffham Rd, Dereham NR19 2DL
07904 148115
[email protected]
Dogs that are double coated will drop their coat at different times but coming in once every quarter will help maintain the coat season to season. Some dogs are big shedders or just love getting dirty so every 3-4 weeks will make home maintenance easier. See how you get on with your groom and we can create a schedule that works for you.
Dogs are dropped off at the agreed time where we will discuss your grooming requirements; you then leave your dog with us at the salon returning at the agreed collection time.
Neutered dogs generally have to wait 10 days post-op when sutures are removed unless dissolvable, to allow the wound to heal and tenderness to reduce, If in doubt please check with your veterinary centre.
Bitches in season are not permitted within the salon; please advise us as soon as possible but within 24 hours of your appointment so that your appointment can be rescheduled.
We offer a variety of treatments at Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio please see our services offered section for further information. If there is anything not listed that you would like please feel free to contact us to discuss further, we are always happy to help.
There is parking outside the salon for drop off and collection.
Grooming Policies
If you arrive at the salon 15 minutes later than your pet’s scheduled appointment, your appointment will be considered as late. The time may be allocated to another pet and you may forfeit your time-slot.
You will be given a specific time to pick up your pet, please understand that we need this time in order to complete the groom and we ask that you do NOT return earlier than agreed unless contacted by us to do so.
If you are later than 15 minutes for your pet’s collection, you may lose the opportunity to discuss your pet with us, as we may already be busy with another pet. You may also be charged a retaining fee of £10 per 30 minutes, unless a pre-arrangement has been made with the salon. We pride ourselves on grooming one pet at a time in a stress free environment.
The health and welfare of your pet is of utmost importance to us.
Therefore, we believe that you will understand and appreciate these rules. We would be most grateful for your co-operation, should you feel that these new rules may affect you, please feel more than welcome to speak to me. My customers are very important, and any feedback would be taken into consideration.
Pawsh requires 24hrs notice for cancellation of appointment’s.
Missed appointments will incur a cancellation fee payable before further appointments can be booked. Dogs arriving late may have to be re-booked and the cancellation fee will apply.
Please be on time.
Your dog may be photographed before, during and after its groom. Photographs may be used on our website, social media or other printed materials. If you do not wish for your dog to feature in any of our marketing, then please tick the box on the GDPR consent form to indicate that you do not give permission for this.
Occasionally grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate an existing one. This can occur during or after grooming. All known medical problems, lumps bumps and alike must be declared prior to the first groom or as a new condition arises. This gives Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio full authorisation to seek medical treatment from the nearest veterinary in case of any medical emergency whilst in the care of Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio. All medical expenses for veterinary care for such problems will be covered by the animal’s owner.
The hygiene of our salon is a high priority to ensure that it remains a clean and safe environment. We strongly suggest that all dogs have up to date vaccinations, however appreciate that this is a personal choice. If your dog is not vaccinated then you are agreeing by bringing your dog to Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio that any consequence of an unvaccinated dog contracting any illness is the full responsibility of you as the owner and Paws hogs Grooming Studio will not be liable.
Although accidents are rare, there is a risk when working with animals. Grooming equipment is sharp, and although we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quick cutting of the nails, etc. In most cases this can happen when a pet is wiggling or moving around. Your pet’s safety and comfort is our number one priority. Should this be the case with your dog, rest assured that all of our groomers are fully canine first aid trained and can apply first aid in the first instance. You will then be given a call to inform you of what happened and if veterinary attention is required you will be asked to meet the groomer at the nearest veterinary practice.
All veterinary costs in this instance will be covered by Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio if we are liable. Please be aware matted dogs are higher risk if the coat is matted to the skin due to lack of brushing correctly. Accidents are recorded and photos taken for both the client and our own records.
Pets with severely matted coats require extra attention. Matts in a pets coat grow tight and can ultimately damage the pet’s skin, which provides a breeding ground for parasite infestations and potential infection. Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio will not cause serious or undue stress to your pet by dematting. Matts can be very difficult to remove, and may require the pet to be shaved. Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio groomers will all try where possible to remove the matts for a maximum of 20 minutes, if after this the matting has not been removed we will remove the matt by cutting or shaving it out.
Removing a heavily matted coat can cause nicks, cuts, or abrasions. Heavy matting can also trap moisture near your pet’s skin allowing bacteria to grow and skin irritations that existed prior to the grooming process. After effects of matt removal procedures can include itchiness, skin redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions and potentially failure of the hair to regrow.
Prevention is the best defence against matting and your groomer will advise a grooming schedule suited to your pet prior to you leaving the salon.
There could be additional charges for this process; it is time consuming and causes extra wear and tear on grooming equipment. Additional charges depend on severity of the matting and size of your pet.
Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio has the right to refuse services at any time. In the event that your animal is too stressed or becomes dangerous to their self or the groomer, we have the right to refuse grooming services, stop grooming services, or cancel grooming services at any time before, during or after grooming. Charges will be based upon services completed up until the point of cancellation.
In some incidences it may be possible to complete the groom however additional charges may be incurred accordingly for additional time needed or additional resources used.
Anal glands are not expressed by any groomer working at Pawsh Dogs Grooming Studio; this is a process that you will need to seek veterinary treatment for.